cutting edge - significado y definición. Qué es cutting edge
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Qué (quién) es cutting edge - definición

Cutting Edge (recordings)         
Cutting Edge 1; Cutting Edge 2; Cutting Edge 1 and 2; Cutting Edge 3; Cutting Edge Fore; Cutting Edge 3 and Fore
Cutting Edge is a series of recordings made by the British rock band Delirious?. The songs were originally written for a regular youth event, Cutting Edge, in the band's home town of Littlehampton.
cutting edge         
Cutting-edge; Cutting Edge; Cutting edge (disambiguation); The Cutting Edge (disambiguation)
Note: The spelling 'cutting-edge' is used for meaning 3.
If you are at the cutting edge of a particular field of activity, you are involved in its most important or most exciting developments.
This shipyard is at the cutting edge of world shipbuilding technology.
= forefront
N-SING: usu at/on the N of n
If someone or something gives you a cutting edge, they give you an advantage over your competitors.
If Pearce had been fit, we would have won. We missed the cutting edge he would have given us.
Cutting-edge techniques or equipment are the most advanced that there are in a particular field.
What we are planning is cutting-edge technology never seen in Australia before...
ADJ: usu ADJ n
cutting edge         
Cutting-edge; Cutting Edge; Cutting edge (disambiguation); The Cutting Edge (disambiguation)
¦ noun the latest or most advanced stage; the forefront.
¦ adjective innovative; pioneering.
Ejemplos de pronunciación para cutting edge
1. cutting edge.
Chrysler Turbine Car Program _ Steve Lehto _ Talks at Google
2. That's really cutting edge.
FairVote - Improving Democratic Outcomes _ Rob Richie & Krist Novoselić _ Talks at Google
3. other cutting-edge technology.
Forrest Galante _ Still Alive - A Wild Life of Rediscovery _ Talks at Google
4. Where's the cutting edge?
Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance _ Steven Kotler _ Talks at Google
5. cutting-edge ideas.
Trespassing on Einstein's Lawn _ Amanda Gefter _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de cutting edge
1. Fifth, Hughes promised expanded use of cutting–edge technology.
2. Instructors often lack practical experience in cutting–edge technologies.
3. "They want to appear more cutting–edge than that.
4. "As manufacturers, we are at the cutting edge," he acknowledges.
5. Goldfarb Clinton‘s Campaign Anthem Is Hillary Rodham Clinton cutting–edge?